Changes To Orders (Modifications)
Unique to family law is that our clients and their families continue to change. Children grow, families move, parents lose jobs or get promotions, children go to college.
What may have worked before may no longer work. Child support may need to be reviewed or a parenting time schedule might need to be adjusted. You may need to reduce or terminate alimony.
In family law when your family’s circumstances change, you can ask the court to change the previous court order that no longer reflects your circumstances. We call this an application, motion or request for modification.
Seeking modifications to former agreements or orders is common and expected as families change. It is important to seek such modification when the changes occur, as you may be limited in modifying an order retroactively.
Additionally, if you feel that you cannot comply with a previous court order or agreement, you should seek a modification as that agreement/order can be enforced against you until it is modified.
We Can Help You When Your Circumstances Change
The family court may grant modifications to an existing order or agreement when the party filing for the change can demonstrate a significant change in circumstances.
For example, if your child support order currently includes day care expenses, but your child is no longer in day care, or if you have a significant change in income due to a job loss, you can ask the court to recalculate the terms of your child support order.
If your court order states that you have joint custody with your child’s other parent, but that parent has not seen the child in a decade, getting both signatures for the child’s driver’s permit may be complicated. You may ask the court to modify your existing order or agreement under a variety of circumstances. We can help you determine if your case is appropriate to bring to court.
We Offer Free Consultations
Our law firm provides help in modifying family-related court orders to clients throughout northwestern New Jersey.
Reach out to us online, or call us at 908-852-7811 for approachable, sensible legal advocacy.