Both Parents Are Financially Responsible For Their Children
All children are entitled to financial, medical and emotional support from both parents. However, each family comes with their own set of needs and circumstances.
Though the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines are most commonly used to establish child support, each family should adequately assess all of their circumstances to ensure that their children are appropriately cared for.
A request for support for children should include a request for their general needs, but also their more specific needs such as medical, educational and extracurricular expenses. Daycare or before/after care expenses should also be addressed. Please note that child support is also a bit different when children enter college.
New Jersey Child Support Guidelines
Child support is generally a determined by using the NJ Child Support Guidelines, which is a formula that considers the following factors: the parenting schedule, both parent’s incomes, health insurance premiums, and work-related child care expenses if any.
At Margolin & Neuner, our attorneys have over 25 years of experience working with families in Northwest Jersey to create strong, fair child support orders.
Experienced Child Support Lawyers And Mediators
Our attorneys work with each family to gear child support payments that are relevant to their family’s unique design.
Serving clients throughout northwestern New Jersey, Margolin & Neuner can be reached at 908-852-7811 for a free consultation. Send us an email if you prefer and get started on a solid child support plan today.