Divorce can stir a range of emotions and complications, especially when you have children involved. New Jersey courts prioritize the well-being of the child, and situations sometimes arise where they may revoke or limit visitation rights for one parent. Endangerment...
Should you use mediation in your divorce?
The dissolution of a marriage is never a simple or comfortable process. It brings a whirlpool of emotions, conflicting interests and a seemingly insurmountable pile of legal formalities. As you embark on the journey of divorce in New Jersey, one of the decisions you...
How to help your teenagers through your divorce
Navigating through a divorce is not an easy task for anyone involved, especially for teenagers. During this time, your children might feel an array of emotions - confusion, fear, anger and sadness. As a parent, it falls on your shoulders to ensure that this...
Going over different types of child custody
If you are preparing to end your marriage as a parent, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the options in front of you, potential outcomes and strategies to safeguard your relationship with your children as well as their best interests. In addition to...
Reviewing the divorce rate in New Jersey
If you have decided to bring your marriage to an end, it is important to keep in mind that many other couples find themselves in this position. By going over data on the divorce rate in New Jersey, you can approach your divorce with a more confident attitude knowing...
New Jersey’s Parents’ Education Program
There is already quite a bit to learn for most parents who are going through a divorce. Adding a mandatory class might seem excessive. In fact, the New Jersey Parents' Education Program is often a useful resource. It condenses many of the most important, most...
Do you have to separate before divorcing in New Jersey?
You do not have to live separately for any amount of time before you get a divorce in New Jersey — but it is still a valid grounds. Divorce on the grounds of separation, should you choose to pursue it, would require 18 months of living apart. This article will look at...
3 commonly asked questions about New Jersey divorce
Divorce, while not the ideal ending couples dream of when they speak their vows, is not uncommon. According to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention, New Jersey alone experiences 1.7 divorces for every 1,000 people. The divorce process can be simple or...
Collecting Social Security using an ex-spouse’s work record
When you divorce your New Jersey husband or wife later on in life, you may worry more about having enough to get by on during retirement than younger individuals navigating divorce. Your retirement picture is undoubtedly going to look much different when you end your...
Do New Jersey grandparents have visitation rights?
For many New Jersey residents, having a grandchild is one of life’s biggest blessings. However, in many cases, family dynamics prove complex, and certain situations may make it difficult for you to get time with your grandson or granddaughter unless you secure legal...