Divorce is a life change that requires significant financial adjustments. Divorce can have considerable effects on both credit scores and overall financial stability. Knowing these impacts can help you protect your finances during and after the divorce. Joint accounts...
Month: July 2024
How courts handle pet custody in New Jersey divorces
It's easy to look at your pets like members of the family. In divorce cases, the question of who gets to keep the family pet can become contentious. In New Jersey, courts approach pet custody differently than child custody. Here's how the state handles pet custody in...
Legal options if a spouse is hiding assets during divorce
In a New Jersey divorce, transparency in disclosing assets is a legal requirement. When a spouse suspects that the other is hiding assets, it not only complicates the divorce process but also breaches legal and ethical standards. There are specific legal remedies...
The division of retirement accounts during a New Jersey divorce
In New Jersey, when couples divorce, they usually must divide their retirement accounts. This division has a basis on fair distribution, not necessarily an equal split. Spouses involved in a divorce often contend over the division of these accounts. Knowing how...
Signs you need to modify your custody agreement
Navigating a custody agreement can be challenging, and over time, circumstances can change, necessitating modifications to the existing arrangement. There are several signs that it might be time to revisit your custody agreement. Changes in your child’s needs Children...
5 questions to ask yourself during your divorce
Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in life. During this emotional time, it’s important to stay focused and make thoughtful decisions. Consider these essential questions to ensure you're making the right choices. 1. Is divorce the right choice?...